Friday, May 15, 2009

Our Jack Rusell has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R

Every since we have moved out to our new place, the boys (Patrick included) have begged for a dog. The deal was ok, but after Zander got here cause of the whole puppy/baby acceptance thing and wanted our dog to like everyone. So, after we lost Zander, questions started rolling. Malachi's weekly drawings of dogs went to daily ones. Someone convinced Patrick that Jack Russell's were great for keeping snakes out of the yard and great for small rodent's so the search was on....
I found one breeder within 100 miles that had Jack Russell pups ready to go. She wanted $1000 ! Well, Mriah Carey got one of her puppies. WHO CARES ! We live in Northeast Oklahoma! So, the search continued. Finally one in Hominy, OK. An hour and 45 mins away and a lot more in my budget. It was just meant to be. He was the only one left in the litter. All the other ones were sold at 3 weeks but they had not posted his picture until the day I was searching. Evidentally the mother was mean and bit his face when he was a couple weeks old. So, on that day when he was 7 weeks old they felt his face was healed enough to take pictures and post of him. This is what sold us. He just looked so happy and like he had a personality. The other sites had there puppies all post with a background, etc. Not our style! To hominy we went that night..

On the way home Malachi decided that he looked like an Oscar. Yes, the 4 1/2 named him. And Oscar, who knows. We put in the rule of no super hero or cartoon character, but other then that, he was on his own. He has turned out to be a wild, very playful dog. But then gain, he is a puppy! The other benefit of getting him when we did was that I would be off of work still so I could work on potty training him. Went well at frst and then the rain interrupted. So, we are still working on it.


Colleen said...

That dog is precious!!! This will be good for the family! Perfect name!!!